Refining Retinol Fluid 7x2ml

Refining Retinol Fluid hefur öfluga virkni á áferð húðarinnar með oleanolic acid sem hreinsar opnar/stórar húðholur og jafnar fituframleiðslu húðarinnar þannig húðholur dragast saman með sýnilegum áhrifum ásamt Enanta chlorantha með hinu kröftuga Retinoli sem vinnur gegn öldrun húðarinnar, örvar kollagen framleiðslu og eykur birtu og ljóma húðarinnar.

Encapsulated retinol:
Stimulates collagen production and growth of fresh skin cells, helps restore youthful appearance, counteracts skin ageing; Anti-wrinkling effect; Increased stability and functionality compared to unencapsulated retinol, improved penetration into deeper skin layers
Equal-Refining Complex: The combination of oleanolic acid and the extract from the bark of Enantia Chlorantha slows down sebocyte growth. The sebaceous glands are put into a dormant state, reducing greasy shine by -21.7% and pore size by -16% after 28 days
Sugar-based moisture booster:Intensively moisturises; strengthens the skin barrier, reduces wrinkles caused by dryness and skin flaking
Hyaluronic acid (long-chain):Forms a water-binding film on the skin surface and, protecting the skin from drying out. Fills out fine lines and wrinkles
Aloe vera extract:Soothing, purifying, moisturising

5.795 kr.

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